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...Eclectic "My 2019 Mash-Up"


2019 was a great year – at least in my arts & culture universe, a world decidedly far flung from the rough ‘n tumble of modern politics, climate change debate, and all other serious problems. The real world is tough right now. I get it. I feel it. If I can bring a temporary smile to someone’s face, to help them to remember to breathe, appreciate, and feel light, to help them escape from the real world for even just a moment – well then this blog has been successful.

So, back to my arts & culture mash-up. 2019 was AWESOME! For starters, it was a year of luscious food delights. There was Peruvian, Italian, and even Norwegian-Mexican tacos?! I also made Swedish meatballs for the first time – love me some old-fashioned Scandinavian comfort food. I dipped my ladle into this tradish dish last March. It’s fun cooking something new! And I didn’t skimp on that fresh, organic parsley garnish. (Say that five times, right?!) No detail too small. Here's a photo.

This year was also about connecting with beautiful actress Natalie Wood. I’ve long felt “connected” to Natalie Wood for various “magical” reasons. And 2019 I dove into her movies and books like never before. I hope to always appreciate who she was, and what she left behind. From “Splendor in the Grass” (1961) to my fave Natalie Wood flick, “Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice” (1969) – “You know where it’s at, Nat.” Because of you, the gazpacho will always be astonishing, and I will always love the scent of gardenias. Ahhh...

Finally, in addition to fun (though at times curious) jaunts into New York City, the 2019 travel calendar was filled with not only my own travels, but the travels of those whom I hold "near and dear." Think fascinating UFOs and “out of this world” female progress. Still puzzled? I'll explain. UFOs, illustrated with chipper little penguins, a sweetly pious "Ape" Lincoln, among other cute creatures, descended onto my little city. Yup. Every year, the powers that be in my hometown commission a new summer art installation. Last summer, it was UFOs. Loved this “spacey” summer art theme. Two thumbs up! And speaking of up – dot, dot, dot. October 2019 also marked the world’s first all-female spacewalk. Feminism has risen through the ether, ozone – and reached the other side. No small feat. Hope their spacewalk was a cakewalk. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

I hope you all have had a wonderful, amazing, truly superlative-worthy year. Gimme some gold stars and A pluses! For me, it’s been a year of deliciously small weekend trips, new culinary delights, and Old Hollywood movies (as always). My penchant for exploring “vintage” arts & culture remains strong – alongside my lust for a Friday night “Ancient Aliens” marathon. (After four years of blogging, I feel secure in revealing this guilty pleasure. And thank you to the above UFO paragraph which hopefully forewarned you. "Pppsssttt. She loves aliens.") As my imaginary Star Man boyfriend would say, “Let’s decipher those ancient petroglyphs, babe.”

Anyway, muchas gracias for continuing to take this ride with me. And here’s to a rockin’ 2020. It’s a new day, year, and decade. I'm feelin' all Celine Dion circa her 2002 song, "A New Day Has Come." There's blue-sky beauty comin' our way, right? Possibility is in the air. All the best to each of us, and this crazy universe we call home. Now don’t forget, when the real world gets too tough – my blog is just a few keystrokes away. I will always be your passport to the “off-the-GPS map” delightful. Lots of love.



© 2016-2025 by Joslyn jay  


 Please don't judge me on the design of this website.

  I live in a 1950s bubble.  Under a 1970s pet rock.   And I'm no HTML web developer.  HTML what?
INstagram:  @jOSLYN_tHE_tOAST   

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