What a year 2021 has been. Gratifying. Monumental. Where should I start? Perhaps it's best to commence by restating my evergreen love of all things historical, including my own personal history. Wait, explain further, you ask?
Sure thing. See the below photo. It pays tribute to the whopping 25 year anniversary of my legendary "homesick" poem that I composed back in fall 1996 in Spain, but that wasn't published until 2011. Over the years, since writing it in 1996, I had always went back to this poem, enjoying it, tweaking it, and sometimes flat-out overhauling it with revisions. I never felt that I could "get it" just right, though I strongly believed in the voice of this poem, and the strength of its imagery.
Lo' and behold, someone else believed in it, too. Thank you, British indie publisher Lion Lounge Press, for including my poem "Segovia: Alone, in Autumn" in your 2011 book entitled The Globetrotter's Companion: A Collection of Creative Travel Writing. This book has been a treasured addition to my bookshelf these past ten years, which makes this a 10 year anniversary celebration, too. Hurray!

And this is partially, and quite particularly, why 2021 has been so stupendous, leaving me scribbling gleefully in my gratitude journal these past December weeks. I have so much to be thankful for in my publishing life. Thank you again to Lion Lounge Press. And thank you to the online global film pub Flickside for my two new writing series ("The Toast" and "Legend Has It"), and all my readers.
2021 has been nothing less than a "literary" and "social media" adventure for me, and has proven to be the most exciting publishing year of my life. So it is with this sense of immense, pure joy that I walk out into "the wilds" of this new year.
What will 2022 hold? That remains to be seen for all of us. But for my publishing life, I look forward to falling in love with new movie stars, new movies, and sharing this love with the world. I will always aim to compose articles that are (1) positive (2) informative (3) a slice of literary fun. After all, life is short. Life can be hard. So why not celebrate the things that make us smile every chance we get, right?
As the saying goes, "That's my story (and my mantra!) and I'm sticking to it." Thank you, thank you, thank you. For anyone that has ever read my creative writing, I truly am eternally grateful for you. Your support, encouragement, and enjoyment of my writing has touched me beyond measure. Lots of love for 2022.