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...Austrian Red Makes Cinematic Gold "A Look at Christopher Plummer's Most Famous Role"

Writer's picture: JenniferJennifer

A HUGE thank you to Flickside for publishing my in-depth look at Christopher Plummer's iconic role in "The Sound of Music" (1965). It's the role that made him famous! This was one of my favorite pieces to write. I love all things "tribute." Toasts, roasts, and starry bios? Serving up a bubbly, rollicking "Happy Anniversary," or a poignant "In Memoriam" fit for a Kleenex or two? I'm your gal. I think there's something so wildly special about honoring each person's unique and important life. Hope you enjoy this article. And most importantly, thank you for the inspiration, Christopher Plummer. You were "a rare jewel, whose artistic beauty will be immensely missed."




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 Please don't judge me on the design of this website.

  I live in a 1950s bubble.  Under a 1970s pet rock.   And I'm no HTML web developer.  HTML what?
INstagram:  @jOSLYN_tHE_tOAST   

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