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...Nostalgic "Vinyls Are Back"


I love this old-school turntable I received for Christmas. The bright red color sings... just like Barbra Streisand at the "Bon Soir" nightclub in New York City, circa 1960. It's been a blast rediscovering old tunes being listened to in an old-fashioned way. It's an event in my living room... when I'm not combing through my modern iPhone, popping in a sleek Blu-Ray, or rustling up some new-agey organic food from my little galley kitchen. Sometimes old is better. A la Good Ol' Babs... "Happy Days Are Here Again!"



© 2016-2025 by Joslyn jay  


 Please don't judge me on the design of this website.

  I live in a 1950s bubble.  Under a 1970s pet rock.   And I'm no HTML web developer.  HTML what?
INstagram:  @jOSLYN_tHE_tOAST   

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