Last night marked an exciting, fun start to a 7-part series of reading "this is not a memoir."... I will be reading my memoir from start to finish at home! November was Chapters 1-3.
In this world of fast talkers, fast images, and iPhones galore... would we be able to sit down like ladies from an old-fashioned book club? And would I NOT blush at reading my first sentence? The answer to the first question is "yes"... the last is "no." I BLUSHED! But it was a blast... think wine and cheese, orange pumpkin decor, Audrey Hepburn's "Breakfast at Tiffany's" on the TV in the background... and even a guest reader who went ROGUE and started ad-libbing to my memoir.
Lis, thank you for being with me for my second reading! Chapters 8 and 14 will come up soon (your two important cameos in this memoir). Barb, thank you for suggesting I do a "home" reading of my memoir! My hope is to keep the momentum going with these readings... whether I am published by a NYC literary agency, or if I choose to self-publish, it will be important to have these test readings. They help ensure that I make my memoir as good as it can be.
If anyone reading this post would like to attend a future reading... just let me know. The more, the merrier! On that note, next month will be December, and I will have a Merry, Merry Christmas themed reading... let's keep the cozy, vintage, home-style vibes coming!